Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The Show

Words have been failing me in the last week. The show has opened to great success and the actors are amazing - more than I could ever have hoped for.
It has been a highlight of my career and the most immense honour to receive such an incredible review from Alison Weir.
Lots for developments are emerging for the future of the show. First stop is The Camden Roundhouse on Sunday!

Monday, 9 May 2011

Ist Dress Rehearsal

We've just had the first dress rehearsal. It was amazing....the actors have gone for a walk in the park now....by the time they've been through it twice more I don't think they'll be able to see straight.

Dress rehearsals

Dress rehearsals today. The actors have surpassed all expectations. We had the technical rehearsal on saturday. It went really smoothly....the yurt is a great place to work in....very calm and a briliant back drop for the action. Simon was superb on the technicals.
Notes today will be to think about the emotional freedom of Tudor England and to consider further the horror and ugliness of the fate of the characters.
Fleur and Joe will be in at 10.30 am for a 12 hour stint. I'll see the play through three times today. Can't wait!.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Progress....Guiltless Ghost

We read the play through last Friday....it was intense and exciting. Nick shot a promo video with the actors which I know is going to be great and we took some excellent photographs. Fleur looks amazing in the costumes! Just over two weeks till we start rehearsals. Tickets are selling fast and the yurt is being built. I feel lucky to be surrounded by such a talented and dedicated team. Joe - who plays George - is in Lanzarote - and emailing me Tudor questions while he does his research.
I finished "The Guiltless Ghost" today - it's going to be a very hard hitting modern version of Anne Boleyn's story, performed on two nights during the run of "Fallen in Love" by our amazing Community Theatre Company....if you get a chance to see it do, there are a few tickets left and it will be amazing! Very exciting times.

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Julia has nearly finished the costumes....Yesterday "The History Girls" had a go trying them on. Tomorrow we will see them on Fleur for the first time for a promo photo and video shoot. We'll be releasing these images soon...watch out for our website and facebook. They really are wonderful, Julia is an inspiration to work with. 

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Meeting with Fleur

I saw Fleur yesterday in London - the actress who's playing Anne. It was lovely to see her and also fascinating having been imagining her playing the role for so many weeks. She's stunning and perfect for the part! On Friday Fleur and Joe are coming to the Hall to shoot a Promo video and I'm also going to spend and hour or two reading through the play. Very exciting.......

Monday, 21 March 2011

Finished it!

I finished the play. The biggest creative challenge I've ever faced and it's done! We read it aloud to the team on Friday. Everybody cried - even me, which felt a bit wierd, like laughing at your own jokes! But it felt good and I'm very excited about rehearsals. Thanks to the team at RRC for supporting me while I wrote it.
Last Thursday I went to Kensington Library with The History Girls to hear Alison Weir and Tracy Borman. They both spoke brilliantly and I was able to get some last minute clarification about some of the Anne Boleyn history. I am so excited about Alison coming to our press night. She has already been so generous in her interest and support. She is an inspiration to me and so many others.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Nearly there

I'm nearly there. Mark Smeaton has been arrested and George is about to go out to lead the Challengers at the May Day joust. It's starting to feel quite intense and a bit disturbing. How about this. Eric Ives says "in history evidence matters, not invention." Of course it's all about evidence, but without using our imaginations history is meaningless. What do you think?

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Ready for act four

I've had a day off from writing today working with my lovely team and our amazing community theatre company. But I'm gagging to get on with act 4 tomorrow!!!!! Watch this space to find out how it goes....1536 was a difficult year for the Boleyns. (lovely to hear from you Laura! Hope you can come to the show.)

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

My first ever Blog entry

I'm three quarters of the way through writing "Fallen in Love" - my new play about Anne Boleyn and her relationship with her brother George. I'm taking a day out today to catch up with the team in the office, do some press interviews and have a look at the amazing Yurt they're building for the play in the garden here at Gippeswyk Hall. The play's getting very heavy now as I get into the fourth act, which is essentially 1536, Anne's downfall. The Tower is in sight as I get towards the end. I'll be letting you know how it goes.....